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Chicago News

Teen author’s recent book offers roadmap to success

By March 27, 2022April 10th, 2022No Comments

CHICAGO  At the tender age of 12, he became a best-selling author.

Today, the teenager is out with a new book, with a roadmap for others to help themselves find and achieve greatness.

Jahkil Jackson is 14 years old and is celebrating the release of his second book, ‘Don’t Wait to be Great.’

“I would call it a roadmap, a path that other young people can use to get through life and achieve their goals,” Jahkil said.

WGN first met Jahkil before the COVID-19 pandemic and has been recognized for his efforts to help those experiencing homelessness with what he calls “blessings bags.”

Jahkil met President Barack Obama and was made part of Marvel’s Heroes comic book series after the entertainment giant learned of Jahkil’s efforts.

His first book “I Am” tackled the difficult issue of bullying, while his recent book is meant for older kids, aiming to help finding passion within and achieving goals.

“We have to show them a different side, that it’s okay to give back to their community and show a different side to this city,” Jahkil said.

Jahkil’s father said that Jahkil is an inspiration to both him and all of those around him.

“As adults we give up on our dreams easily.  And being around him, it’s impossible to give up on your dreams,” Jamiel Jackson said.

For now, the dream remains alive as Jahkil encourages others to push through the negative in the world while providing a roadmap for others to achieve their greatness.


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